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Additional Resources for Parents

COVID-19 Information for Schools

Oregon Health Authority has set guidance for Oregon ELD and DOE to return to school safely. CCP Board uses these resources for decision-making regarding health & safety policies.

OHA/ELD Childcare Provider COVID-19 Requirements (updated 9/1/21) 

​OHA/ODE Planning for COVID-19 Scenarios in Schools (updated 8/16/21) -- includes many scenarios of exposure, symptoms, testing, and confirmed cases. ​​


OHA/ODE A Guide for Back to School Family Planning (9/1/21) -- guide for families to plan ahead before the need for quarantine or isolation occurs. 

Health, Housing and Human Services - Clackamas County
Clackamas County Immunization Rates -- For more information about the Clackamas County Immunization Program visit:

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PCPO (Parent Child Preschool Organization)


What is PCPO? 

PCPO is a nonprofit organization of more than 50 cooperative preschools and kindergartens

with a membership of more than 1,500 children and teachers. 


PCPO was founded in 1956 by eight Portland preschools to promote the exchange of ideas among schools and to aid in the forming of new co-ops. PCPO is an affiliate of Parent Cooperative Preschools International (PCPI), whose purpose is to cross state and national boundaries sharing the philosophy that "children, parents, and teachers go to school together, each learning from the other."​​

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Oregon Early Learning  


What is ELD?

The mission of Early Learning Division is to support all of Oregon’s young children and families to learn and thrive. We value equity, making a positive impact for children and families, dedication, integrity and collective wisdom to benefit Oregon children and families. We work as an integrated team focused on: Child Care, Early Learning Programs and Cross Systems Integration, Policy and Research, and Equity

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Early Learning Hub of Clackamas County


​The Early Learning Division of the Oregon Department of Education provides funding to  Early Learning Hubs to convene cross sector partners to work together toward a shared vision and shared goals. There are 16 Early Learning Hubs in Oregon, supporting  systems development and programs for children, prenatally through six and their families. Early Learning Hubs collaborate with early childhood programs to translate the research on early development into result-oriented interventions and programs.

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Clackamas Parenting Together


Clackamas Parenting Together is a coalition of organizations in Clackamas county dedicated to strengthening and supporting families. They aim to increase positive family and community wellness by building a sustainable parent education collaborative that provides high quality, accessible parent education opportunities to our diverse region. Network organizations provide educational programs and support services to enhance parents’ ability to raise healthy children in caring homes.

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Contact Us

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