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Health & Safety


We are following the requirements and recommendations set by Oregon Early Learning Division and Oregon Health Authority. A detailed Health & Safety plan is available for parents to review. 


Teachers may take student temperatures at the door. Students may be denied entry for the day based on observable symptoms and asking heath check questions. 



CCP is required to exclude from the program any child or staff member, regardless of vaccination status, if they exhibit COVID-19 symptoms including new loss of taste or smell, fever, new cough, or shortness of breath in the last 5 days. 


Potential exposure is communicated to families directly via email. We will notify Clackamas County Public Health Department if anyone who has been on the premises of the program is diagnosed with COVID-19. 

​​Canby Community Preschool Immunization  

The Senate Bill 895 and Oregon Administrative Rules 333-050-0010 through 0140 require schools and children's facilities to share immunization and exemption rates on facility websites and newsletters. For more information, visit



2022-2023 CCP Immunization Records

How many kids at CANBY COMMUNITY PRESCHOOL are vaccinated March 2023 .png

Contact Us

Thank you for reaching out! We wil be in touch soon!

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